I love being a Texan and all that goes with it.
Everything is bigger and better here, at least that is my humble opinion.
I have always had an interest in Texas history and the people who formed a dusty, hot land into cattle and farming towns.
The mesh of cultures and ideas gave the way to cities and towns we now know. With growth the freedoms and enjoyment that was the dream of each and every person who lived and died came to fruition.
My Irish ancestor John May is said to be buried in the supplejack cematary in Yoakum Texas and through the years there has been many changes and unfortunately John May's actual headstone is lost. I hope to uncover that Mystery and find out about his life.
Unfortunately many cemataries in our beautiful state are in terrible shape. Many tombstones are lost, broken or stolen by time or vandals. I hope to convey more than just a death date or a cematary of note in my state. I hope to tell a story of the lives that formed my fair State, my home, my heritage and history TEXAS